Disclaimer Policy
Our blog is consider a part of our learning process of web development. It serves as educational tool as well. Besides that, the information that we are sharing weekly are based on our own thoughts and views. As times goes by, all of us are getting and developing those skills to integrate different things into our blog. We reserve the right to change our information, thoughts or views over time.
If there are links from the other sites in our blog means we want to provide more information to our readers. The poll analysis that we had do not apply to the majority of the user. Our recommendations is just for reference purpose, we are not responsible for your actions.
Privacy Policy
We will definitely welcome you to leave comments on our post and love to see your comments all over. A reminder to all the readers, please respect the others while you are leaving comment. We reserve the right to delete harassing and spam comments. Any information that you leave here will not be use commercially by us and will not passing to others.